Two years in Oz
My episode here in Oz is almost up. After three semesters, the scholarship will be complete in the end of this month. They allowed me to stay a little bit longer for graduation on 13 December, but I will surely miss the stipend :-). I'll go back to the same scene of my previous chapter of my life, i.e. office life (looking forward for the better storylines though).Not that bothers me much. What I'm mostly thinking now is what and how much I've achieved here. Two years is a long time, and it really worries me that somehow I feel I've squandered much of it without any significant progress.
Academically? Hmmm.... judging from the grades, something that can't be proud of. My lovely Ci even made it sound embarrassing. I know she was only joking, but that I had let her down really crossed my mind, made me feel disappointed to myself. Hmmh, forget the grades, I only wish what I get from lectures and those nights-with-the books (come think of it, not many of them regretably) left something useful in me, like, shaping my understanding of IT and the business better. Will it make any difference for the company?
My English proficiency also remains miserable at the best (you've guessed it from this writing, right?), the same level I had the first time I took my step in Oz soil. I took it for granted that living in bule's country should improve my English. It turns out not to be the case. I only have myself to blame, most of the time I spend my time with fellow Indonesians. Can't help it, too many Indonesians here.
Spiritually, astaghfirullah and alhamdulillah. I'm just very grateful I meet brothers here that have been providing me with the best experience I can get about ukhuwah. It really shed a light of how a muslim should take care of their "self-upbringing" together with other muslims as groups . Really, this alone I think make my time here worth it. Then again, I still feel I've wasted the chance to make the most out of it. I hope to continue to have this kind of environment later in Makassar.
I should mention here, personally, the most remarkable thing happened in this last two years is Divya. Haven't got many chances to share the responsibility with Ci to take care of her, but she brings with her something like a spiritual experience for me. It's like witnessing His power and existence (I mean feeling it right to bottom of your senses, oh whatever, really hard to express it in words). I wish I will always feel like this everytime I think of her.
Overall, let me just say, alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal. Praise is due to Allah in every circumstances.
May His blessings is forever pouring on me, my family and to you all.